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Used Furniture, Second Hand Furniture Near Me

Looking for second hand furniture near you? Second hand furniture has become increasingly popular over the last few decades.

More consumers and prospective business owners realize that the quality of second hand furniture vastly outweighs the quality of modern, mass-manufactured furniture in many respects.

Largely, furniture that is 30 or 40 years old was made domestically in the United States. Conversely, new furniture is mostly made overseas. Obviously, this affects the overall quality.

If you are interested in learning more about second hand furniture, consider the following guide. We will help you learn more about why people prefer used furniture. Also, we talk about the potential pitfalls of buying second hand furniture. Finally, we have several tips for buying quality second hand furniture.

Why People Buy Second Hand Furniture

There are a few factors to consider when exploring why people buy used furniture. The primary factors include cost, style, and overall quality. Sometimes second hand furniture costs less than new furniture, but this may vary significantly depending on the age, quality and manufacturer of the furniture.

Of course, we cannot assume that all second hand furniture costs less than the alternative. Today, newly made furniture can cost as little as a few hundred dollars. For instance, you can find cheaply made sofas, chairs and even bedside tables for very little at discount stores. Additionally, you can find cheap dinette sets or cheap metal beds for next to nothing at these types of stores and large online venues.

However, dollar for dollar, you will soon realize you are comparing apples to oranges. In other words, the new furniture at very low prices shows poor construction and has very flimsy materials.

Alternatively, some second-hand furniture can last for hundreds of years. Brands like Kling Furniture, old Ethan Allen furniture and vintage Thomasville Furniture features superior cherry, maple and walnut woods.

Second Hand Furniture Style

Style is another important factor. Many people prefer the look of older pieces, especially if they have a preference for certain types of aesthetics that aren’t found very often in new furniture pieces made today.

We have heard it said over and over again. People simply cannot find “traditional furniture” anywhere in new furniture stores. Largely, modern furniture stores are offering smaller, scaled down Mid Century Style furniture to their consumers. Indeed, if you are looking for Chippendale, Queen Anne or Sheraton style furniture, you most likely will have to buy second-hand.

Furthermore, even European styles are not being produced much anymore. Brands like Century Furniture and Henredon Furniture had extensive catalogs of French and English styles. So, if you like the elegance of European style furniture, consider gently used furniture. Certainly, these brands made beautiful Euro-inspired bedroom and dining room furniture that fits in so many different homes.

Quality Second Hand Furniture

Finally, quality. Quality is one of the most important factors that influences why people enjoy buying second hand furniture. Furniture from older generations is often higher quality, as it was designed to last for decades, if not indefinitely as long as it is properly taken care of. Quality has to do primarily with two things when it comes to furniture: fine materials and superior craftsmanship.

In the past, domestic furniture companies often harvested the best lumber for their products: solid cherry, solid maple, solid oak and solid walnut. All of this solid wood was used in the production of furniture because it was widely available, and durable.

Today, many furniture brands use pressed wood, topped with laminates. Additionally, they can use metal and plastic inside drawers and dressers.

As far as craftsmanship, old furniture companies had teams of craftspeople who worked in different departments. Of course, there were planers, joiners, sanders and those in the finishing department. But largely, the process to make furniture was still mostly done by hand.

Alternatively, today, large machines often fit case goods together. Large sprayers cover the pieces with finishes that are fast and easy to achieve. The result is often something of very flimsy quality, with planned obsolescence.

Are There Any Downsides to Buying Second Hand Furniture?

While there are many benefits to buying second hand furniture, there are some potential downsides or pitfalls to keep in mind as well. Some of the downsides include:

  • Chances that the piece has damage, or had a low-quality repair done in the past, which may impact its value and durability.
  • Difficulty finding matching pieces, particularly for rare or unusual styles.
  • Costs for shipping from second hand furniture stores or renting trucks to pick items up.
  • Need to do research in order to ensure items are authentic and not modern reproductions.

However, for most buyers of second hand furniture, the above downsides are not enough to overcome the many benefits of buying used furniture pieces.

Tips for Buying Quality Second Hand Furniture

If you are interested in buying second hand furniture, whether it’s for yourself or your business, consider the following tips.

Tip: Inspect all practical hardware.

If you’re buying in person, you must make sure to inspect all of the practical hardware elements before your purchase. This includes any drawers, cabinets, or other moving parts.

Tip: Inspect the finish.

Try to inspect the finish if you can. Older pieces can usually be refinished. However, the cost of refinishing or upholstery can really set you back.

Tip: Do your own research regarding the price.

If you aren’t sure about the fairness of the price of second hand furniture, you can do a little research to help discover the value. If possible, research the maker’s mark on the furniture to determine the brand and help narrow down the year.

Of course, you can search second hand sites, such as eBay or similar sites, to find the sales prices of similar furniture.

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